
This is a 20 second treatment I did for RTE's Dance on the Box that I didn't get but I'm not bitter I love those bastards in RTE, you know who you are!
Here are some of the examples of older winners - 'Why the Irish dance that way' is not bad, basically river dance outside a post office but 'Match' we'll I'll let you be the judge. The reason I didn't get it is because you have to have a producer and a choreographer and I think that was kind of essential. I made it with Isobel and her niece Jessica, a very talented young ballerina. I'm going to finish it and use it as my own music video so there!


Des said...

Nice one Ian. Will take a look at that series tonight. There's always next time...

Scribbler said...

I know they had issues in Croker with the whole english/rugby sports, but two topless lads playin hid the salami, don't know if they realised what they signed off on there!!!

Fran Johnston said...

let us know you make that a music vid. would love to see that. grade on it is lovely.

Darragh said...
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